♡JoEy寶貝o(。◕‿◕。)o ♥♡ じ☆ve

Thursday, May 5, 2011

6/5/2011 ♥ 梦

人就忘得一干二净. 我就是那种能记得我梦过什么的人. 几乎我所有的梦都有结局的. 这是我最近的梦:

有天, 我朋友到我家来坐坐(明天真的我朋友会到我家来.对了,我的梦是到夜晚发生的事较多的).到了夜晚,我和我朋友和兄弟妹觉得肚子饿了,就去找食物吃. 在我们议论纷纷之下,就决定了一起出去吃东西. 我们一群人跑着过马车路. (当时我的梦是断断续续的) 又回到一个陌生的地方. 这是一个家, 住这以为老太和儿子.可,我不知怎么了就进了儿子的房间,然后就发生了一些意想不到的是,那就是所谓的"春梦".我记得当那个事情进行到一半的时候,我突然看到床下有个一模一样的我.只不过唯一不同的地方是,床下的我是闭着眼睛的,四肢都被截肢了. 当时的我被吓到了, 也赶忙去洗澡.可洗澡时发生的事情可奇怪了. 当我在洗澡时,我发现有血从我身上流着下来.但是,又有种不明物体回流进我的身体里.感觉想是血的东西. 而当时的我以为自己来月经了,急忙的找卫生棉. 找来找去都找不到.突然,门被撞了,我急忙用手用力的推着,在盘问之下,知道了撞门的是那个老太的儿子.于是,我就和他拿卫生棉.他也找了给我. 穿好衣服之后,我也让他进了厕所.他看了看我, 拿了2包精油叫我帮他擦. 那精油还真的很奇怪,居然是用人的形状包装成一片片的,能很明显的看出哪个部位是用哪片精油. 于是,我就先用背部的精油帮他擦. 我还边擦边帮他按摩呢!瞧他那舒服的模样.然后,按摩就进行到腿部.他竟然脱了内裤让我帮他擦屁股?!好恶心啊!当时,在擦的过程竟然擦到有那个肮脏的白色小粒粒出来.突然,老太出现了!她气喘呼呼的拿着报纸跑来说我很想里面发生事故的小女孩. 我突然想起来了. 我的妹妹呢? 我马上从厕所的窗口那里跳下楼.奇怪的是,我居然一点伤都没有.而那老太的儿子一定是觉得自己和不是人的家伙做x了吧!他从窗外看着我跑,也不时打个冷颤呢! 说快不快的,我已到了家. 只见到,我妈妈和四叔母拿着香祭拜着我和兄弟妹.不! 这里没妹妹的灵排!我马上搂着妹妹不停的问,你看到我吗?你看到我吗?又拉着妹妹向妈妈问回同样的问题. 我妈竟然没看到我!可,我四叔母说看到了我.在惊慌之 下,我想到了我自己曾看见自己断手断叫的模样.我死了?!我竟然死了!还没完成心愿的我竟然死了?!顿时,我也被惊醒了.而且还泪流满面.


Monday, May 2, 2011

2/5/2011 ♥ 1st day of holiday in sem4

It's just the 1st day of my college holiday out of one and half month in semester 4,
i already feel so boring >.<

Today, i stay at home the whole day.My schedule are : wake up at 10 something in the morning and then had my breakfast around 1pm after that, walk around my house. The time still the same. I switches the TV channel again and again, after that find a Taiwan romance drama to watch which will makes me cry. After tiring, i had my lunch around 5pm accompanied by Korean drama. Today, i surfing internet used more than 5hours. OH MY GOSH !! What the hell m i doing ? Im wasting the time !! I want to go out!!

Before this, i think a bird in the cage is better than a freedom bird which can fly outside the world.
But now, i feel that im wrong ! Its better to get out of the cage to look around the world freedomly although thats a chance for the hunter to kill me. When its final exam, the time just like a blink of eyes; but when its holiday, the time seems like a river, there's never end ! I have to find something to do ! It not my brain, body organs will not working after a long rest!

In every fairy tale, either chinese or english, the major characters always will be " happy ever after ". I feel that its not true. How can they be happy every after? Their life really that peaceful without any incident or surprise? Wont they bored by facing each other forever? I thought, life must have some irritating stuff only will be fun? But, my desire is to live at a peaceful environment with my soul mate and my twins babies. I think these holiday will change all of my hope/desire.

Still, in this world not yet have a case which involves with a person death because of the boring life. I think i will be the first and even the last one ~ Next time, maybe im in the newspaper headlines. haha ~